Sunday, May 15, 2011

This is Different

My oldest says this every time we change something, so matter how small, in the house.  And I can use this to describe the pregnancy too.  Its different.  Its not like any other of my 3 pregnancies.  The girls were identical, how I looked and felt.  But this is even different from my pregnancy with Robbie.  I have no idea if its a boy or girl, and have no idea when we will know if its one or the other.
We know that genetically speaking, the baby is fine.  All the tests and screening came back great.  Now its just time to wait for the anatomy scan on the 27th.  I am terrified.  I am 18weeks and 1 day today--at this point with Robbie I was waddling, contracting, and throwing my daughter her 7th birthday party (camping theme) in our backyard, while having walking pneumonia.  3 days after the party we had the infamous anatomy scan--the last time we saw Robbie alive.  And the hydrops was evident, just barely.  It is taking all of my willpower not to call the doctor and go in for a scan this week.  I am trying to hold off, but I just need to know if anything is out of the ordinary!  The doppler helps, and I have been using it twice a day again, just for a piece of mind.  I'm not feeling much movement (maybe a quick movement once every few days) that I did with Robbie.  Robbie was moving up a storm at this point.  I'm just paranoid.
I know in two weeks we'll know, and can move on from there.  Its just this waiting to see if the heart and other organs are forming correctly.  May 27th can't come fast enough!

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