Thursday, May 5, 2011

I want to bottle this happiness!

During this pregnancy there are few times I can sit back, relax and enjoy Rango.  Normally its in the window of a couple of hours after hearing the heartbeat on the doppler or seeing him on the ultrasound.  But today, it's different.  I am feeling totally at peace-and it is scaring me to death!  Almost like I know everything is going to be okay this time.
Today I went to the hospital to get the sequential bloodwork done, and since my wonderful doctor, Dr. Davis, told me I could, I went in for a u/s as well.  And the woman was so nice--she spent lots of time measuring, reassuring us, and commenting on how active baby was too!  So active that the baby wouldn't cooperate and let us see if there are girl or boy parts (she thought boy parts, but it could be the umbilical cord too).  Then we got a surprise visit with Dr. Davis who wanted to check in with us.  I mean this is the longest he's gone without seeing us this pregnancy--3 weeks!  I used this time to ask him for recommendations for a new ob to deliver us at either Kennedy or Virtua.  See, after Elmer Hospital's "lack of information" with Robbie's anatomy scan when the hydrops was evident, I can't say I am too comfortable in delivering at South Jersey Regional.  My ob is nice, and is trying to be understanding and patient with me.  But I just feel more comfortable going to Kennedy.  They were wonderful after the D & E, and every time we have gone since then.  So to say I was relieved when I asked Dr. Davis for his recommendations and he suggested that he deliver the baby is a complete understatement.  I started to cry because I was so happy!  He will take over my prenatal care for the remainder of the pregnancy.  I am so glad!
And for the first time in 16w and 5 days, I am looking forward to meeting our baby, and bringing the baby home.  And I am dreaming of holding my baby in my arms, with his/her angel brother watching over us.  It's going to be okay.  I just need to bottle this feeling, and take it out when i need it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad he is going to deliver for you. There is nothing like having a good doctor that you trust! Congrats lady!
