Wednesday, May 4, 2011


One of the things that I think my husband regrets most is not bonding with Robbie while he was with us in utero. I know he commented several times afterwards about how I was feeling him kick and move, but in the end, all he had was a couple of u/s pictures, and hearing a heartbeat.  He was looking forward to the connection of holding his child.
So with the arrival of the doppler I was threatened that if I used it more than once a day he would hide it from me.  He didn't want me to make myself more neurotic than I already have been.  So on a Saturday morning, while he washed the dishes, I snuck into the bedroom, and put the jelly on and listened.  He walked in (he heard the swooshing noises), and was quite upset that I did this without telling him.  While I thought he would get angry at me using the doppler too much, in fact, I realized that hearing the baby once, or sometimes twice, a day, was his connection to baby Rango.
So a few days ago, while we were listening to the heartbeat, Mario started talking to me about something.  All of a sudden the heartbeat skyrocketed up.  When he stopped talking, the heartrate went back down to where it was.  He started talking again and sure enough the heartbeat got stronger/louder, and went up.  Wow!
So now, when we are looking for the heartbeat, Mario starts talking to the baby, and sure enough, Rango shows up!

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